
Laying the Foundations

The Roadmap

Put your Foot down with  X’Accelerate

S/4HANA – Which ‘field’ is it to be?!

IT is not a philosophy, so the important thing is not the journey, but rather that you reach your destination as quickly as possible, as cost effectively as possible, and with as few risks as possible. The most common ‘roads’ to S/4HANA are:

  • Greenfield implementation

  • Brownfield implementation

  • Hybrid scenario

Whichever road you take: The days are numbered for the current SAP Business Suite 7, and the earlier you can start benefiting from the S/4HANA suite, the bigger difference it could make for you.

Everyone is surely familiar with the three different S/4HANA implementation approaches, so we can only give our assessment based on discussions with our customers and partners:

Greenfield is suitable:

  • For new SAP customers who will be using SAP for the first time
  • For bold, unflinching existing SAP customers who go out of their way to shed outdated practices
  • For enlightened SAP customers who are aware of the time and effort that goes into a highly customized SAP system and are willing to move from an on-premise installation to the cloud.


  • For SAP customers who want to avoid extensive data cleaning activities and are looking to switch from SAP ERP to S/4HANA as quickly as possible
  • For SAP customers who have spent years painstakingly implementing, fine-tuning, and optimizing the necessary process adjustments in ERP and wish to retain this value

Hybrid scenario:

  • For customers who want to switch to a new, cleaned up system as far as possible, but do not want to implement all process adjustments from SAP ERP from scratch
  • For customers who have the experience to handle such a complex project.

Developing Customer-specific Roadmaps – The bespoke Roadmap Workshop

Every customer has a situation-specific starting point and an individual goal, which is why there is not only ONE roadmap.

We use our XEPTUM expertise from countless projects to help you find and navigate the best road for you.

As in a bespoke workshop, the roadmap is designed around the customer’s specific requirements and preferences. The first step is always to determine where we stand and define the target scenario in order to determine which direction to take. Naturally, it is often not possible to precisely define the goal in advance because of the many unknowns. However, many elements of a possible roadmap are already known and can be adapted to the situation. We have the experience to offer you a solid foundation in the face of uncertainties and help you take the first steps. With each step you take, you will have a better understanding and a clearer idea of the final destination and which direction to take. In the end, you will have a bespoke roadmap for your journey to S/4HANA.

X'Accelerate – Turbo Boost your Transformation

Commercial businesses need flexibility, speed, and automation for their business success, and they need it NOW, not in seven years’ time

The X'Accelerate approach shortens the scan and focus phase in the fast track to S/4HANA model in order to answer the following key question as quickly as possible: Conversion or Greenfield?

Unless a Greenfield approach is specified, a test conversion is performed on a copy of the production system/sandbox. As a result, quickly generated insights can be incorporated into the roadmap immediately and validate the results of the scan and focus phase.

The main advantages are as follows:

  • You can start at any time
  • The depth of analysis can be adjusted individually
  • All software components and current projects are taken into account
  • Condensed lead time
  • No need for an extensive and debilitating preliminary deep dive analysis (what could happen may not in fact be relevant at all)
  • Smooth transition between theory and practice

Our motto: Don’t wait, start doing!


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