XEPTUMi brings everything Together!

As a rule, businesses have high expectations of digitalization. As they should, but the implementation is key!

It is important not to have technical tunnel vision and focus on one aspect of digitalization in isolation. All related aspects have to be taken into consideration at the same time. The art is to keep an eye on all the dependencies and still move forward quickly and in small steps.

With the XEPTUMi innovation platform, the XEPTUM Group provides its customers and partners with sustainable added value by bringing together all aspects of digitalization.


Digitalization interdependencies

Customer, Market, and Competition

Ultimately, creating added value for the customer is integral to the success of any company or organization. This can be achieved through reducing costs, offering better or higher quality services, or creating brand new offerings or innovations. The pressure to innovate in these volatile times is therefore considerable and companies have to rise to this challenge.

Digitalization offers many opportunities to create value: Automation, transparency through data generation, intelligent systems, and analytics to name just a few. XEPTUMi is a platform that allows companies to face the forces and trends together in order to create added value through a community solution that, ideally, brings a strategic competitive advantage for everyone involved. A goal that, for SMEs in particular, can only be achieved as part of a strong group of experts.


Data and Processes – The Oil in the Pipeline

Digitalization is based on data that originates from processes and is also used to drive processes or decisions. Technology is the cornerstone of digitalization. Mastering technologies, data, and processes is crucial to the success of any digitalization measure. Data has to be acquired, collected, and used (analyzed) quickly, securely, and efficiently.

But how is the data acquired, collected, and used? The XEPTUMi platform brings all the competent experts to the same table: Customers who know or provide their process data, IoT and big data experts who provide the technologies for transferring (interfaces), storing, and processing the data, as well as analysts and lateral thinkers who can generate added value from the data. Artificial intelligence techniques can also be integrated where useful.

The All-important Human Factor

There are two human factors to bear in mind with regard to digitalization:

  1. Firstly, the technology has to benefit people by relieving them of dull routine tasks and freeing up time for meaningful tasks (knowledge work).
  2. Secondly, the human being is both the driver and precondition for digitalization. Machines, bots, and algorithms are not creative and have no ideas or flashes of inspiration.

People are therefore still key to the success of digitalization in two respects: both as drivers and users of digital value creation. However, trust and a willingness to change are also crucial.

The XEPTUMi platform supports this by giving users a fun and protected environment in which to gradually familiarize themselves with the new topics. With XEPTUMi, it is impossible to neglect that all-important human factor.

People are still key to the success of digitalization.

XEPTUMi – Community is King!

Innovations are usually the result of teamwork. In our complex, fast-moving, high-tech world, it is only by bringing together experts from different disciplines that you can create value-adding results. This calls for new forms of collaboration: between business units within the same company on the one hand and between different companies (cooperative partnerships) on the other.

Bringing people and companies together for innovative, collaborative, and cross-disciplinary work requires fresh thinking as well as new physical, virtual, or digital ‘spaces’ for collaboration

XEPTUMi offers precisely these spaces and forms of collaboration – find out more and become part of a program.

In our complex, fast-moving, high-tech world, it is only by bringing together experts from different disciplines that you can create value-adding results.

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