Would You Like to Add an Accounting Principle Retroactively?

"Would You Like to Add an Accounting Principle Retroactively?"

To do this, you have to make a retroactive addition to a non-leading ledger using the SAP General Ledger Migration Service.

The Migration Service supports the following scenarios:

  • Presenting an additional reporting view in a separate ledger
  • Switching from the accounts approach to the ledger approach
  • Replacing a special ledger (SL ledger) that you are not using for multi-GAAP reporting
  • Assigning an existing company code to an existing ledger

Note that a number of restrictions and conditions apply.

Example migration date:

The migration date is always the start of the current or a future fiscal year. If you are already using asset accounting, the migration date should not be before an already posted depreciation run.

We recommend that you select the migration date as the start of next fiscal year.

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